Online Therapist in California
Therapy Specializing in Anxiety, Trauma and BIPOC and Second Generation Adults
Online Therapy in California for Anxiety & Multiracial Mental Health
Lara Clayman Online Therapist in California
You can't figure out why you feel so overwhelmed with life.
It feels like the world is falling apart. Reading the news is depressing but you can't look away as you live in fear of something bad happening to yourself or your family. You are so scared and devastated by the wars, the political climate and climate change. Your anxiety is palpable to others. You have difficulty stopping yourself from complaining and you feeling guilty about this.
Anxiety has you feeling bad about everything.
At home everything feels like an uphill battle and your relationship with your kids is starting to feel toxic. You don’t feel hopeful for your kids’ future. You wish you could just be more positive, thinking that if your mindset could change you wouldn't over think all the time. You hate that your kids dont see you handling life well, as you struggle to manage your emotions or if you blow up at them.
One thing goes wrong and it feels like your whole world is crumbling.
With work and other relationships, you worry about what you said or should have done differently. Your thoughts distract you, not because they are obsessive but because they rob you of enjoying anything in your day. You can't focus and your sense of control has been shutting down. It sends you into a deep emotional funk that you can't snap out of. It's a crisis of confidence as you feel lost and completely unmoored, missing your resilience.
Even when a good thing happens, you doubt it or can't celebrate. You take small things seriously and feel hurt by any real or perceived criticism. It doesn't seem normal. You walk a tightrope of emotions, unsure if you are going to freak out. You eat, drink, or numb out on social media but it all leads to shame and self-hatred.
Online Therapist California
I’m a therapist in Oakland who provides online therapy, and I help stressed out, overworked and over worrying adults navigate the emotional roller coaster ride of life and find hope for the future. Online therapy with me is for you if you know you have a lot to work on and want help working through it. We’ll examine core values that have helped you reach your goals and those that may be getting in your way of celebrating your successes. We’ll determine if you’re having an abnormal response to normal life stressors or if you’re having a perfectly healthy response to extremely distressing events. (I suspect the latter).
What to expect in Online Therapy
During the course of our 50 minute therapy hour each week, we’ll talk about it all–what you’re feeling, what you’re needing and what will empower you to regain your sense of agency and healthy entitlement to feeling better and having the life that you want. We’ll also celebrate what is indeed going well in your personal life (There’s always something!) and the world (more something!) while not sugar coating the hardships you face and global suffering. While your or the world’s circumstances may not change, therapy will help you with holding it all and living well in the midst of sadness, loss and struggle.
My clients say therapy with me can feel like talking to a good friend, a place where “I can come in and touch base, and put things together”. Many of my clients feel apprehensive about whether we will be a good “fit” before starting therapy with me, on a deeper level they wonder about whether they will be likeable. I try to create an environment that is safe and inviting - where you can be as raw and open as you need to - while feeling accepted, nurtured and embraced. Our conversation is organic - leading to new insights and greater empathy and self-compassion and love. You may unexpectedly find small shifts in your perspective and increased self-esteem a result of therapy.
Start Online Therapy Today
I offer online therapy in California. If you are ready to get support with the anxiety and overwhelm. Call or contact me here for a free consultation to schedule your online therapy in CA.
Frequently Asked Questions About Online Therapy in California
Online counseling and online therapy are often used to mean the same thing, and it may be hard to tell the difference at times. However, counselors often work with specific issues or problems by advising or counseling and this approach is often shorter-term and time-limited. Therapists work to identify the root causes of a client’s emotional distress or behavior. Therapy focuses on improving wellbeing and treating mental illness so a person can function better in their life.
If you feel you need help with a specific problem and need support with learning new skills or to change your behavior to deal more effectively with a particular life challenge or situation, counseling could help with this. Online therapy is for you if your mental health symptoms are affecting your ability to function in your day to day life or usual coping skills no longer seem to be working. Online therapy is about getting to the root causes of your suffering so you can heal, grow and find a way to move forward through life’s difficulties.
Most of my client prefer to meet online. I love the flexibility and ease of online therapy.
Research shows that online therapy is as effective as in person therapy. What I love about online therapy is that it makes therapy so much more accessible to almost everyone! Talking to a professional from the comfort of your own home or workplace, saving time on travel, reducing the need and expense for childcare, more flexible scheduling, expanding the pool of therapists you can choose from and reducing wait times to get help are some of the benefits of seeing an online therapist.
I’m also a fan of in-person therapy. It can be especially great for children and teens who are overly plugged in and would benefit from in-person social connection and the opportunity to practice social skills, for people who have little in-person connection day to day or for those who want to do body work (somatic therapy), expressive arts therapy or ecotherapy.
Get started with professional online therapy in California that really works.